May 2021 Community Newsletter
May 27, 2021 7:29 pm
Pool Time
The pool is open and families are already enjoying the water. Due to popular demand we have re-instated the lap swimming time from 7am-8am only at the LaGrange pool, or 1st pool. This hour is designated for lap swimming only, please. Also, now is a great time to make sure you know the rules for using the facilities. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult (18 years of age or older). Children between 13 and 17 years of age may not watch younger children. This is a family community and foul language or inappropriate behavior is NOT acceptable. Let’s all be courteous and this will be a great pool season!
Recreational Vehicles
It’s time to get out and enjoy the outdoors, travel, and do all kinds of fun things. We want you to live and enjoy these opportunities. However, there are rules for bringing home campers, RVs, boats, ATVs, etc… Please follow the 24-hour rule for having these items out in view. Please also don’t block sidewalks, roadways, corners, or drive these in the common areas. We greatly appreciate everyone helping to maintain the rules of the community! |
Upcoming Events
June 12 – Community Garage Sale: Get your items ready to sell! The Association will place an ad in the paper, and post signs at the entrances. Please feel free to post the event in different social media outlets.
September 11 – Community Garage Sale |
Ann Marie Baird
Phone: (208) 287-0514
Fax: (208) 377-8962
Century Farm Homeowner’s Association, Inc. C/O Brighton Corporation
2929 W. Navigator Dr. Suite 400
Meridian, ID 83642
Categorised in: Newsletter
This post was written by Century Farm